Monday, April 4, 2016

The best Way Dilute the Emotion

Image result for meluapkan emosi
Most physical ailments caused by a person's mental disorder that affects other body organs. When you stress it will weaken the immune system and can even drop dramatically. For that regulate emotions is very important to maintain a healthy body.

But controlling your emotions is very hard for some people. Therefore, I will help you to be able to channel your emotions to positive things. So it will not make your health impaired by using the best way dilute the emotion.

Much can be done to melt a person's mood. Venting emotions in a grumpy or even injure himself is the wrong way. Because when you are controlled by a sense of emotion, then you do not realize that you can hurt yourself. If you include people who are easily ignited emotions then you need to do the best way dilute the emotion as below.

Here's the best way dilute the emotion:

Writing in diary
When you feel very emotional then you should write all the complaints that you feel in a diary. Because when you write your anger subsides sapat well. This is very rarely done by people, but it is fairly effective. Since you are able to vent all your anger against the book and the book certainly would not turn angry with you.

With asleep then you will forget all your anger, even when you wake up later then your mind is fresh and can think better. But this you can not do in all conditions, it is most appropriate to do if you're at home.

singing free
The next best way dilute the emotion that is by singing freely. This case will definitely make you feel more relieved, find a place that can make your own for a while. Then in these places you can sing your heart's content, listen to your favorite songs and pretend you're the duet with your idol. So that you will soon forget your anger and can return to normal activities.
By doing a hobby it is certain you will enjoy your liver. When the heart feel happy then the mind will be cleared so that the taste of your anger toward someone will be lost.

For the time being do not meet people who can make you angry. But if you want to immediately resolve the problem, then meet with him and solve your problems so that your emotions will soon disappear and there will be no pent-up anger that even though you will see him again.

Eating or snacking
By consuming foods that can release happy hormones such as ice cream and chocolate. By consuming these foods then your mood will be better. A sense of emotion may still be there, but at least you do not take it out with negative things.
The next best way is to dilute the emotion of worship. Sengan worship sincere and serious then the heart will be calm and your emotions will soon disappear. maybe your anger towards that person will not immediately disappear, but to worship you can get closer to God and the heart will feel calmer.

That's the best way dilute the emotion that you must try. Keep emotions too long and protracted it may cause psychological problems that will eventually lead to disease.

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